Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Embiotocidae Surfperches

(See list of species below)

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24 species
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Photo by Østergaard, T.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 43 cm TL
Amphistichus argenteus Agassiz, 1854

Photo by Photo by Østergaard, T.
Amphistichus argenteus
[Barred surfperch]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 31 cm TL
Amphistichus koelzi (Hubbs, 1933)

Photo by Photo by Love, M.
Amphistichus koelzi
[Calico surfperch]

Photo by DeCloux, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Amphistichus rhodoterus (Agassiz, 1854)

Photo by Photo by DeCloux, R.
Amphistichus rhodoterus
[Redtail surfperch]
No picture found

Brachyistius aletes

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 22 cm TL
Brachyistius frenatus Gill, 1862

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Brachyistius frenatus
[Kelp perch]

Photo by Nichols, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 20.3 cm TL
Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons, 1854

Photo by Photo by Nichols, J.
Cymatogaster aggregata
[Shiner perch]
No picture found

Max. Length 20.8 cm SL

Ditrema jordani
No picture found

Max. Length 24 cm SL

Ditrema temminckii
No picture found

Max. Length 19 cm SL

Ditrema viride

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Embiotoca jacksoni Agassiz, 1853

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Embiotoca jacksoni
[Black perch]

Photo by Nichols, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 38 cm TL
Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz, 1854

Photo by Photo by Nichols, J.
Embiotoca lateralis
[Striped seaperch]

Photo by Fritzsche, R.A./J.W. Cavanagh

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Hyperprosopon anale Agassiz, 1861

Photo by Photo by Fritzsche, R.A./J.W. Cavanagh
Hyperprosopon anale
[Spotfin surfperch]

Photo by DeCloux, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Hyperprosopon argenteum Gibbons, 1854

Photo by Photo by DeCloux, R.
Hyperprosopon argenteum
[Walleye surfperch]

Photo by Fritzsche, R.A./J.W. Cavanagh

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm TL
Hyperprosopon ellipticum (Gibbons, 1854)

Photo by Photo by Fritzsche, R.A./J.W. Cavanagh
Hyperprosopon ellipticum
[Silver surfperch]

Photo by Steele, M.A.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Hypsurus caryi (Agassiz, 1853)

Photo by Photo by Steele, M.A.
Hypsurus caryi
[Rainbow seaperch]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Hysterocarpus traskii Gibbons, 1854

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Hysterocarpus traskii
[Russian river tule perch]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Micrometrus aurora (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Micrometrus aurora
[Reef perch]

Photo by Schultz, E.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 16 cm TL
Micrometrus minimus (Gibbons, 1854)

Photo by Photo by Schultz, E.
Micrometrus minimus
[Dwarf perch]
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm FL

Neoditrema ransonnetii

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 29 cm TL
Phanerodon atripes (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Phanerodon atripes
[Sharpnose seaperch]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 32 cm TL
Phanerodon furcatus Girard, 1854

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Phanerodon furcatus
[White seaperch]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 44.2 cm SL
Phanerodon vacca (Girard, 1855)

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Phanerodon vacca
[Pile perch]

Photo by DeCloux, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 47 cm TL
Rhacochilus toxotes Agassiz, 1854

Photo by Photo by DeCloux, R.
Rhacochilus toxotes
[Rubberlip seaperch]

Photo by Butler, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Zalembius rosaceus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Photo by Butler, J.
Zalembius rosaceus
[Pink seaperch]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Amphistichus argenteus Barred surfperch Eastern Pacific 43 TL 1854
Amphistichus koelzi Calico surfperch Eastern Pacific 31 TL 1933
Amphistichus rhodoterus Redtail surfperch Eastern Pacific 41 TL 1854
Brachyistius aletes Eastern Pacific 1952
Brachyistius frenatus Kelp perch Eastern Pacific 22 TL 1862
Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch Eastern Pacific 20.3 TL 1854
Ditrema jordani Northwest Pacific 20.8 SL 1910
Ditrema temminckii Northwest Pacific 24 SL 1853
Ditrema viride Northwest Pacific 19 SL 1940
Embiotoca jacksoni Black perch Eastern Pacific 39 TL 1853
Embiotoca lateralis Striped seaperch Eastern Pacific 38 TL 1854
Hyperprosopon anale Spotfin surfperch Eastern Pacific 20 TL 1861
Hyperprosopon argenteum Walleye surfperch Eastern Pacific 30 TL 1854
Hyperprosopon ellipticum Silver surfperch Eastern Pacific 27 TL 1854
Hypsurus caryi Rainbow seaperch Eastern Pacific 30 TL 1853
Hysterocarpus traskii Russian river tule perch North America 15 TL 1854
Micrometrus aurora Reef perch Eastern Pacific 18 TL 1880
Micrometrus minimus Dwarf perch Eastern Pacific 16 TL 1854
Neoditrema ransonnetii Northwest Pacific 13 FL 1883
Phanerodon atripes Sharpnose seaperch Eastern Pacific 29 TL 1880
Phanerodon furcatus White seaperch Eastern Pacific 32 TL 1854
Phanerodon vacca Pile perch Eastern Pacific 44.2 SL 1855
Rhacochilus toxotes Rubberlip seaperch Eastern Pacific 47 TL 1854
Zalembius rosaceus Pink seaperch Eastern Pacific 20 TL 1880

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013