Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Agonidae Poachers

(See list of species below)

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54 species
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Max. Length 18 cm TL

Agonomalus jordani

Photo by Tibbatts, B.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 8.9 cm TL
Agonomalus mozinoi Wilimovsky & Wilson, 1979

Photo by Photo by Tibbatts, B.
Agonomalus mozinoi
[Kelp poacher]

Photo by Shpanchenko, R.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Agonomalus proboscidalis (Valenciennes, 1858)

Photo by Photo by Shpanchenko, R.
Agonomalus proboscidalis
No picture found

Agonopsis asperoculis

Photo by Svensen, E.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 12.5 cm SL
Agonopsis chiloensis (Jenyns, 1840)

Photo by Photo by Svensen, E.
Agonopsis chiloensis

Photo by Stender, K.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Agonopsis sterletus (Gilbert, 1898)

Photo by Photo by Stender, K.
Agonopsis sterletus
[Southern spearnose poacher]

Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Agonopsis vulsa (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.
Agonopsis vulsa
[Northern spearnose poacher]

Photo by Salesjö, A.

Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 21 cm TL
Agonus cataphractus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Salesjö, A.
Agonus cataphractus
No picture found

Max. Length 15 cm TL

Anoplagonus inermis
[Smooth alligatorfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm SL

Anoplagonus occidentalis

Photo by Garazo Fabregat, A.

Northwest Atlantic
Max. Length 22 cm TL
Aspidophoroides monopterygius (Bloch, 1786)

Photo by Photo by Garazo Fabregat, A.
Aspidophoroides monopterygius

Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.

Arctic to Northwest Atlan
Max. Length 8.6 cm TL
Aspidophoroides olrikii Lütken, 1877

Photo by Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.
Aspidophoroides olrikii
[Arctic alligatorfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm TL

Bathyagonus alascanus
[Gray starsnout]
No picture found

Max. Length 12 cm TL

Bathyagonus infraspinatus
[Spinycheek starsnout]

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 24.2 cm TL
Bathyagonus nigripinnis Gilbert, 1890

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Bathyagonus nigripinnis
[Blackfin poacher]
No picture found

Max. Length 23 cm TL

Bathyagonus pentacanthus
[Bigeye poacher]

Photo by Van Orden, W.

North Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm SL
Blepsias bilobus Cuvier, 1829

Photo by Photo by Van Orden, W.
Blepsias bilobus
[Crested sculpin]

Photo by Love, M.

North Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm SL
Blepsias cirrhosus (Pallas, 1814)

Photo by Photo by Love, M.
Blepsias cirrhosus
[Silverspotted sculpin]

Photo by Markevich, A.I.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Bothragonus occidentalis Lindberg, 1935

Photo by Photo by Markevich, A.I.
Bothragonus occidentalis
No picture found

Max. Length 8.9 cm TL

Bothragonus swanii
No picture found

Max. Length 30 cm TL

Brachyopsis segaliensis
No picture found

Max. Length 20 cm TL

Chesnonia verrucosa
[Warty poacher]

Photo by Tatarinov, A.C.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 22 cm TL
Freemanichthys thompsoni (Jordan & Gilbert, 1898)

Photo by Photo by Tatarinov, A.C.
Freemanichthys thompsoni

Photo by Román Marcote, E./Garazo Fabregat, A.

Northwest Atlantic
Max. Length 68 cm TL
Hemitripterus americanus (Gmelin, 1789)

Photo by Photo by Román Marcote, E./Garazo Fabregat, A.
Hemitripterus americanus
[Sea raven]

Photo by Boyland, J.

North Pacific
Max. Length 73 cm TL
Hemitripterus bolini (Myers, 1934)

Photo by Photo by Boyland, J.
Hemitripterus bolini
[Bigmouth sculpin]

Photo by Markevich, A.I.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm SL
Hemitripterus villosus (Pallas, 1814)

Photo by Photo by Markevich, A.I.
Hemitripterus villosus
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm TL

Hypsagonus corniger

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Hypsagonus quadricornis (Valenciennes, 1829)

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Hypsagonus quadricornis
[Fourhorn poacher]

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Arctic to Northwest Atlan
Max. Length 21 cm TL
Leptagonus decagonus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Photo by Photo by Dolgov, A.
Leptagonus decagonus
[Atlantic poacher]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Nautichthys oculofasciatus (Girard, 1858)

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Nautichthys oculofasciatus
[Sailfin sculpin]

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific and adjacen
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Nautichthys pribilovius (Jordan & Gilbert, 1898)

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Nautichthys pribilovius
[Eyeshade sculpin]
No picture found

Max. Length 8 cm TL

Nautichthys robustus
[Shortmast sculpin]

Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.

North Pacific
Max. Length 21.6 cm SL
Occella dodecaedron (Tilesius, 1813)

Photo by Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.
Occella dodecaedron
[Bering poacher]
No picture found

Max. Length 21.2 cm SL

Occella iburia
No picture found

Occella kasawae
No picture found

Occella kuronumai

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 9.5 cm TL
Odontopyxis trispinosa Lockington, 1880

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Odontopyxis trispinosa
[Pygmy poacher]

Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.

North Pacific
Max. Length 17 cm TL
Pallasina barbata (Steindachner, 1876)

Photo by Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.
Pallasina barbata
[Tubenose poacher]

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 42 cm TL
Percis japonica (Pallas, 1769)

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Percis japonica
[Dragon poacher]
No picture found

Max. Length 15 cm SL

Percis matsuii

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

North Pacific
Max. Length 30.5 cm TL
Podothecus accipenserinus (Tilesius, 1813)

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Podothecus accipenserinus
[Sturgeon poacher]
No picture found

Max. Length 17 cm TL

Podothecus hamlini

Photo by Shiina, M.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Podothecus sachi (Jordan & Snyder, 1901)

Photo by Photo by Shiina, M.
Podothecus sachi
[Snail-fin poacher]

Photo by Orlov, A.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 29 cm TL
Podothecus sturioides (Guichenot, 1869)

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Podothecus sturioides

Photo by Hopkins Seaside Laboratory

Arctic and Northwest Paci
Max. Length 28 cm TL
Podothecus veternus Jordan & Starks, 1895

Photo by Photo by Hopkins Seaside Laboratory
Podothecus veternus

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm TL
Sarritor frenatus (Gilbert, 1896)

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Sarritor frenatus
[Sawback poacher]
No picture found

Max. Length 14.4 cm SL

Sarritor knipowitschi

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Sarritor leptorhynchus (Gilbert, 1896)

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Sarritor leptorhynchus
[Longnose poacher]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 16 cm TL
Stellerina xyosterna (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Stellerina xyosterna
[Pricklebreast poacher]
No picture found

Max. Length 36 cm TL

Tilesina gibbosa
No picture found

Max. Length 19 cm TL

Xeneretmus latifrons
[Blacktip poacher]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 24 cm TL
Xeneretmus leiops Gilbert, 1915

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Xeneretmus leiops
[Smooth-eye poacher]
No picture found

Max. Length 16 cm TL

Xeneretmus ritteri
[Stripefin poacher]

Photo by Hopkins Seaside Laboratory

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Xeneretmus triacanthus (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by Photo by Hopkins Seaside Laboratory
Xeneretmus triacanthus
[Bluespotted poacher]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Agonomalus jordani Northwest Pacific 18 TL 1904
Agonomalus mozinoi Kelp poacher Eastern Pacific 8.9 TL 1979
Agonomalus proboscidalis Northwest Pacific 20 TL 1858
Agonopsis asperoculis Southwest Atlantic 1916
Agonopsis chiloensis Snailfish Southeast Pacific 12.5 SL 1840
Agonopsis sterletus Southern spearnose poacher Eastern Central Pacific 15 TL 1898
Agonopsis vulsa Northern spearnose poacher Eastern Pacific 20 TL 1880
Agonus cataphractus Hooknose Northeast Atlantic 21 TL 1758
Anoplagonus inermis Smooth alligatorfish North Pacific 15 TL 1860
Anoplagonus occidentalis Northwest Pacific 10 SL 1950
Aspidophoroides monopterygius Alligatorfish Northwest Atlantic 22 TL 1786
Aspidophoroides olrikii Arctic alligatorfish Arctic to Northwest Atlan 8.6 TL 1877
Bathyagonus alascanus Gray starsnout Eastern Pacific 13 TL 1896
Bathyagonus infraspinatus Spinycheek starsnout Eastern Pacific 12 TL 1904
Bathyagonus nigripinnis Blackfin poacher North Pacific 24.2 TL 1890
Bathyagonus pentacanthus Bigeye poacher North Pacific 23 TL 1890
Blepsias bilobus Crested sculpin North Pacific 25 SL 1829
Blepsias cirrhosus Silverspotted sculpin North Pacific 20 SL 1814
Bothragonus occidentalis Northwest Pacific 7 TL 1935
Bothragonus swanii Rockhead Eastern Pacific 8.9 TL 1876
Brachyopsis segaliensis Northwest Pacific 30 TL 1809
Chesnonia verrucosa Warty poacher Northeast Pacific 20 TL 1880
Freemanichthys thompsoni Northwest Pacific 22 TL 1898
Hemitripterus americanus Sea raven Northwest Atlantic 68 TL 1789
Hemitripterus bolini Bigmouth sculpin North Pacific 73 TL 1934
Hemitripterus villosus Northwest Pacific 35 SL 1814
Hypsagonus corniger Northwest Pacific 10 TL 1933
Hypsagonus quadricornis Fourhorn poacher North Pacific 12 TL 1829
Leptagonus decagonus Atlantic poacher Arctic to Northwest Atlan 21 TL 1801
Nautichthys oculofasciatus Sailfin sculpin Eastern Pacific 20 TL 1858
Nautichthys pribilovius Eyeshade sculpin North Pacific and adjacen 9 TL 1898
Nautichthys robustus Shortmast sculpin North Pacific 8 TL 1970
Occella dodecaedron Bering poacher North Pacific 21.6 SL 1813
Occella iburia Northwest Pacific 21.2 SL 1904
Occella kasawae Northwest Pacific 1925
Occella kuronumai Northwest Pacific 1951
Odontopyxis trispinosa Pygmy poacher Eastern Pacific 9.5 TL 1880
Pallasina barbata Tubenose poacher North Pacific 17 TL 1876
Percis japonica Dragon poacher North Pacific 42 TL 1769
Percis matsuii Northwest Pacific 15 SL 1936
Podothecus accipenserinus Sturgeon poacher North Pacific 30.5 TL 1813
Podothecus hamlini Northwest Pacific 17 TL 1898
Podothecus sachi Snail-fin poacher Northwest Pacific 50 TL 1901
Podothecus sturioides Northwest Pacific 29 TL 1869
Podothecus veternus Arctic and Northwest Paci 28 TL 1895
Sarritor frenatus Sawback poacher North Pacific 27 TL 1896
Sarritor knipowitschi Northwest Pacific 14.4 SL 1937
Sarritor leptorhynchus Longnose poacher North Pacific 25 TL 1896
Stellerina xyosterna Pricklebreast poacher Eastern Pacific 16 TL 1880
Tilesina gibbosa Northwest Pacific 36 TL 1904
Xeneretmus latifrons Blacktip poacher Eastern Pacific 19 TL 1890
Xeneretmus leiops Smooth-eye poacher Eastern Pacific 24 TL 1915
Xeneretmus ritteri Stripefin poacher Eastern Central Pacific 16 TL 1915
Xeneretmus triacanthus Bluespotted poacher Eastern Pacific 18 TL 1890

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013