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Definition of Term

primary freshwater fishes
(English) Primary freshwater fishes are those with little or no tolerance of brackish water, i.e., water with more than 0.5 grams per liter total dissolved mineral salts. Saltwater is a major barrier for these fishes, and their distribution has not depended on passage through the sea. Examples are: Dipnoi, Polypteridae, Osteoglossidae, most Cyprinidae, Characidae, most families of Siluroidei, Centrarchidae, Percidae, Percopsidae, Dalliidae. (See also: secondary freshwater fishes, freshwater, primary division)
poissons d'eau douce primaires
(French) Poissons d'eau douce qui tolèrent peu ou pas du tout l'eau saumâtre, c.-à-d., l'eau qui contient plus de 0,5 g par litre de sels minéraux dissous, tels que les Dipneustes, les Polyptères, les Ostéoglosses, les Cyprinidae et bien d'autres. (See also: secondary freshwater fishes, freshwater, primary division)
peixes dulceaquícolas primários
(Portuguese) Peixes dulceaquícolas primários são aqueles que têem pouca ou nenhuma tolerância a águas salobras (com mais de 0,5 g/l de sais dissolvidos), como os Dipnoi, os Polypteridae, os Osteoglossidae e os Cyprinidae entre outros. (See also: secondary freshwater fishes, freshwater, primary division)

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