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Definition of Term

(English) Fish with a connection (pneumatic duct) between the gas bladder and the esophagus, e.g. many freshwater fishes; fishes in which the air bladder is connected at some point to the digestive tract by an open duct. Some physostomous fishes use the gas bladder as temporary or supplementary organ of respiration (e.g. arapaima, gars, bowfin). (See also: air bladder, physoclistous, esophagus)
(French) Poissons dont la vessie gazeuse est reliée à l’oesophage par un conduit pneumatique, par exemple, chez beaucoup de poissons d'eau douce ; poissons chez qui la vessie gazeuse est reliée au tube digestif par un canal ouvert. (See also: air bladder, physoclistous, esophagus)
(Portuguese) Peixe com ligação (ducto pneumático) entre a bexiga natatória e o esófago; como na maioria dos peixes de água doce. Alguns peixes fisóstomos usam a bexiga natatória como orgão temporário oun suplmentar da respiração (ex: arapaima, peixes-gato). (See also: air bladder, physoclistous, esophagus)

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