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Definition of Term

pelvic fins (View picture)
(English) Pair of juxtaposed fins ventrally on the body in front of the anus; varies from abdominal in position in primitive fishes such as herrings to the more anterior locations termed thoracic or jugular in advanced fishes; sometimes called ventral fins. (See also: ventral fins, abdominal, jugular)
nageoires pelviennes (View picture)
(French) Paire de nageoires ventrales insérées en avant de l'anus ; peut se trouver en position abdominale chez les poissons primitifs tels les harengs ou en position plus antérieure, thoracique ou jugulaire chez les poissons évolués ; parfois nommées ‘ventrales’. (See also: ventral fins, abdominal, jugular)
barbatanas pélvicas (View picture)
(Portuguese) Par de barbatanas justapostas ventralmente à frente do ânus; varia de uma posição abdominal nas espécies mais primitivas a peitoral ou jugular nas espécies mais evoluidas. (See also: ventral fins, abdominal, jugular)

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