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Definition of Term

pectoral girdle
(English) The bony or cartilaginous skeletal arch supporting the pectoral fins. Usually attached to the posterior part of the skull; the "shoulder" girdle. Composed of the following basic elements (some of which may be lost): coracoid, scapula, pterygials, postcleithrum, cleithrum (main bone), supracleithrum and posttemporal. The "primary" pectoral girdle includes actinosts, scapula, coracoid, and sometimes mesocoracoid cartilage or endochondral bones and supports the fins directly. The "secondary" (and more primitive) pectoral girdle encloses the dermal post-temporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum, and two postcleithra, which are membrane bones and is only indirectly related to the fins. (See also: pectoral fins, cartilage, pelvic girdle)
ceinture scapulaire
(French) Arc squelettique osseux ou cartilagineux qui supporte les nageoires pectorales. (See also: pectoral fins, cartilage, pelvic girdle)
cintura braquial
(Portuguese) Arco esquelético ósseo ou cartilaginoso que dá suporte às barbatanas peitorais. (See also: pectoral fins, cartilage, pelvic girdle)

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