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Definition of Term

head clasper
(English) Small appendage on the forehead of mature male chimaeroid fishes, also a spiny, knob-like structure in male members of the Chimaeriformes used to grasp females during copulation, also a long, flexible spine on the dorsal median surface of the head usually with a modified tip or esca. Believed to be modiefied spine from the first dorsal fin and retractable in some species. Acts to lure prey close enough to be captured. Found in Lophiiformes. (See also: chimaeras, appendage, dimorphic)
ptérygopode à la tête
(French) Petite appendice sur le front des mâles matures des poissons chiméroïdes. (See also: chimaeras, appendage, dimorphic)
clasper cefálico
(Portuguese) Pequeno apêndice na zona anterior da cabeça dos machos dos peixes quimeroides. (See also: chimaeras, appendage, dimorphic)

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