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Definition of Term

gill filaments (View picture)
(English) The soft, red, fleshy part of the gills, through which oxygen is taken into the blood from the water passing through the gills. (See also: gill arch, gill, gill membranes)
filaments branchiaux (View picture)
(French) Parties molles, rouges, charnues des branchies au travers desquelles se font les échanges gazeux entre le sang et l'eau. (See also: gill arch, gill, gill membranes)
filamentos branquiais (View picture)
(Portuguese) Parte vermelha e carnuda das brânquias através da qual a água ao passar permite a fixação do oxigénio pelo sangue. (See also: gill arch, gill, gill membranes)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
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Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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