System Glossary
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Definition of Term

gene pool
(English) All the alleles (pool of eggs and sperms) in a population at a particular time; the collection of genes in an interbreeding population. (See also: allele, population, gene)
pool de gènes
(French) Tous les allèles (ensemble d'oeufs et de sperme) dans une population pendant un temps particulier ; collection des gènes dans une population qui se reproduit par croisement sexué. (See also: allele, population, gene)
pool genético
(Portuguese) Todos os alelos existentes numa população num determinado tempo; o conjunto de genes numa população que se intercruza. (See also: allele, population, gene)

Other Search Engines

European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Google Search The largest Internet Search Engine
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A-Z Biodiversity Terms Glossary providing definitions of terms, areas and acronyms related to biodiversity, commonly used, internationally recognized where possible, well referenced, and derived from legitimate sources
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