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Definition of Term

fishing effort
(English) 1) The total fishing gear in use for a specified period of time; when two or more kinds of gear are used, they must be adjusted to some standard type before being added, 2)effective fishing effort, abbreviated as f. (See also: fishery, fisher, fishing gear)
effort de pêche
(French) Montant de pêche qui a lieu, habituellement décrit quant à type de l'équipement et fréquence ou période pour qu'il est utilisé, par exemple, les ensemble des hameçons, heures de chalutage. (See also: fishery, fisher, fishing gear)
esforço de pesca
(Portuguese) Quantidade da captura em termos da arte utilizada, da frequência ou período em que é utilizada, por ex., nº de anzóis, horas de arrasto, etc.. (See also: fishery, fisher, fishing gear)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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