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Definition of Term

fault coast
(English) A straight coast formed by a fault, consisting of a seaward facing escarpment and a downthrown block below sea level; a straight, steep coastline. (See also: coast, coastline)
côte de faille
(French) Une côte droite formée par une faute, consistant d'un escarpement affrontant la mer et un bloc du rejet en dessous du niveau de la mer; un littoral droit, escarpé. (See also: coast, coastline)
falha costeira
(Portuguese) Linha de costa direita formada por uma falha, constituída por uma escarpa em direcção ao mar e um bloco de rejeição abaixo do nível do mar. (See also: coast, coastline)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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