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Definition of Term

(English) Rapid increase in the nutrient status of a water body, natural or occurring as a by-product of human activity. Excessive production leads to anaerobic conditions below the surface waters. (See also: eutrophic, oligotrophic)
(French) Augmentation rapide dans la situation nutritive d'un corps d'eau, naturel ou qui se produit comme un sous-produit d'activité humaine. La production excessive mène aux conditions de l'anaérobie en dessous les eaux supérficielles. (See also: eutrophic, oligotrophic)
(Portuguese) Aumento rápido em nutrientes nos meios aquáticos de origem natural ou provocado por actividades humanas. A produção primária excessiva conduz a condições anaeróbias nas zonas abaixo da superfície. (See also: eutrophic, oligotrophic)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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