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Definition of Term

(English) A fishing net that is dragged behind a boat. A wide range of demersal (bottom) or pelagic (mid-water) species of fish are taken by this fishing method which entails one or a pair of vessels towing a large bag-shaped net either along the seafloor or in mid-water. It has a buoyed head rope and a weighted foot rope to keep the net mouth open. (See also: fishery, purse seine)
rede de arrasto
(Portuguese) Rede de pesca que é rebocada atrás dum barco. Muitas espécies de peixes demersais (do fundo) e pelágicos (na coluna de água) são capturados com este método que usa um ou dois navios que rebocam uma grande rede em forma de saco pelo fundo ou a meia água. (See also: fishery, purse seine)

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