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Definition of Term

(English) Animals that retain the eggs within the body of the female in a brood chamber in which the development of the embyo takes place, perhaps deriving some nourishment from the female, but without the strong umbilical attachment to a placenta as in mammals; the typical condition of so-called "live-bearing" fishes. Also called aplacental viviparous. The young hatch inside the mother's uterus from their thin egg capsule, and are usually born shortly afterwards. (See also: oviparous, viviparous, egg)
(French) Animaux dont les oeufs sont conservés par la femelle dans une chambre d'incubation où les embryons se développent, peut-être grâce à de la nourriture obtenue de la femelle, mais sans être rattachés à un placenta par un solide cordon ombilical. (See also: oviparous, viviparous, egg)
(Portuguese) Que produz ovos que eclodem dentro do corpo da fêmea; os embriões podem desemvolver-se um pouco mas falta-lhes uma placenta. (See also: oviparous, viviparous, egg)

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