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Definition of Term

nominal taxon
(English) According to the Code, a nomenclatural taxon. A nomenclatural concept denoted by an available name, and based, actually or potentially, upon its name-bearing type but having no defined taxonomic boundaries.(Editor's remark: a name used in an original description, which may be valid or synonymous). Also: the taxon defined by its type, type-genus in the case of family, type-species in the case of genus, and type-specimen in the case of species. (See also: Code, taxon, nomenclature)
taxon nominal
(French) D'après le Code, un taxon nomenclatural. Un concept nomenclatural dénoté par un nom disponible et fondé, réellement ou potentiellement, sur son type porte-nom mais n'ayant pas de limites taxinomiques définies. (Remarque d'éditeur 30 : un nom employé dans une description originale qui peut être valide ou synonyme). (See also: Code, taxon, nomenclature)
taxon nominal
(Portuguese) Do Código, a nomenclatura dum taxon. Conceito nomenclatural constituído por um nome válido e baseado actualmente ou potencialmente no seu nome tipo mas não tendo contornos sistemáticos definidos. (nota do Editor: nome utilizado numa descriçãi original que pode ser válido ou sinónimo). (See also: Code, taxon, nomenclature)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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