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Definition of Term

(English) Having a number of parts, or divided into serially repeated, countable features, e.g. the rays in a fin, the myomeres of an eel larva, the rakers on a gill arch, photophores, scutes, finlets, branchiostegals, and also to other structures that can be counted, e.g. pyloric caeaca, etc. Also used as a noun. (See also: fin rays, myomeres, gill arch)
(French) Formé de plusieurs parties, ou divisé en des caractères répétés en série, dénombrables (par exemple, les rayons d'une nageoire, les myomeres d'une larve d'anguille, les branchiospines sur un arc branchial, etc.). (See also: fin rays, myomeres, gill arch)
(Portuguese) Que tem um número de partes, ou que é dividido em séries de elementos contáveis (raios das barbatanas, espinhos branquióstegos etc.). (See also: fin rays, myomeres, gill arch)

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