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Definition of Term

(English) A term covering developmental stages in the early life history of a fish between the time of hatching and transforming to a juvenile, the latter a miniature replica of the adult. (See also: egg, reproduction, juvenile)
(French) Terme qui se réfère aux stades du développement précoce d'un poisson entre le moment de l’éclosion et celui de la transformation en un stade juvénile, ce dernier étant une copie exacte miniature de l'adulte. (See also: egg, reproduction, juvenile)
(Portuguese) Termo que designa os estadios iniciais do desenvolvimento dum peixe entre a eclosão e a metamorfose para juvenil, em que já possui a forma do adulto. (See also: egg, reproduction, juvenile)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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