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Definition of Term

(English) Spanish for lamp. Similar to, but much smaller than, a purse seine with no pursing action. This net is generally used for catching artificial light attracted schools of small fish such as anchovy and pilchard. There is a central spoon-shaped section and two lateral wings and the net is usually operated from a small boat. The rapid retrieval of the lead line does close the bottom of the net but it is not a true purse. (See also: purse seine, seine, Anchovies)
(French) Semblable à, mais beaucoup plus petit qu'une senne tournante sans poche. Ce filet est généralement utilisé pour attraper, par attraction au moyen d'une lumière artificielle, des bancs de petits poissons tels que les anchois et les pilchards. (See also: purse seine, seine, Anchovies)
(Portuguese) Pequena rede de emalhar para capturar juvenis de peixe (anchova, carapau etc.). (See also: purse seine, seine, Anchovies)

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