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Definition of Term

(English) In geology, a surface separating two media, across which there is a discontinuity of some property, such as density, velocity, etc., or of some derivative of one of these properties in a direction normal to the interface. In information technology, a software that facilitates use of the computer. (See also: geology, software, IT)
(French) En géologie, surface qui sépare deux milieux et au niveau de laquelle on trouve une discontinuité dans la densité, vélocité, etc., perpendiculairement à l'interface. En technologie de l'information, un logiciel qui facilite l'usage de l'ordinateur. (See also: geology, software, IT)
(Portuguese) Em Geologia, a superfície que separa dois meios, ao longo da qual existe uma descontinuidade em algumas propriedades, como a densidade, a velocidade. Em informática um software que facilita o uso do computador. (See also: geology, software, IT)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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