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Definition of Term

gill opening
(English) An opening behind the head that connects the gill chamber to the exterior. Bony fishes have a single such opening on each side whereas cartilaginous fishes (sharks and rays) have five to seven. The gill opening of sharks and rays are called gill slits. (See also: gill slits, gill membranes, gill cover)
ouverture branchiale
(French) Orifice derrière la tête qui fait communiquer la cavité branchiale avec l'extérieur. Les poissons osseux ont une seule ouverture de chaque côté alors que les poissons cartilagineux (requins et raies) en ont cinq à sept, appelées fentes branchiales. (See also: gill slits, gill membranes, gill cover)
aberturas branquiais
(Portuguese) Abertura atrás da cabeça que conecta a câmara branquial com o exterior. Os peixes ósseos possuem uma única abertura enquanto que os peixes cartilagíneos têem de 5 a 7. Nestes têem o nome de aberturas branquiais. (See also: gill slits, gill membranes, gill cover)

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