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Definition of Term

fishing mortality
(English) Mortality due to fishing; death or removal of fish from a population due to fishing, usually expressed as the annual mortality, the percentage of fish dying in one year, or the instantaneous rate F, and which can range from 0 for no fishing to very high values such as 1.5 or 2, meaning that 1.5 or 2 times as many fish have been caught as were present at the beginning of the fishing season (this is possible with short-lived, fast growing species such as anchovies). (See also: natural mortality, total mortality)
mortalité due à la pêche
(French) La mortalité dû à la pêche, habituellement exprimé comme le taux instantané F, et lequel peut avoir des valeurs de 0 pour aucune pêche aux très hautes valeurs tel que 1.5 ou 2, qui signifie 1.5 ou 2 foix le nombre de poissons attrapés aux poissons qui était présent au commencement de la saison de la pêche (ce qui est possible pour les espèces éphémères, à la croissance rapide tel que les anchois). (See also: natural mortality, total mortality)
mortalidade por pesca
(Portuguese) Mortalidade devida à pesca, expressa usualmente como a taxa instantânea F, que pode ser 0 se não se pescar até valores muito altos de 1.5 e 2 no caso em que se capturou 1.5 ou 2 vezes a quantidade de peixe existente no início da pescaria (só possível em espécies de crescimento rápido como por ex. a enchova). (See also: natural mortality, total mortality)

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