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Definition of Term

(English) Downward movement of surface ocean waters in open ocean ecosystem (= coastal downwelling zone), also: similarities which have arisen independently in two or more organisms that are not closely related, also: 1)evolution of similar characters in unrelated taxonomic groups, in cladistics a synonym of parallelism, 2)the meeting of ocean currents or water masses with different physical properties (temperature, salinity, density) with the result that colder, saltier or denser water sinks, or 3)the line or area where convergence occurs. (See also: coastal convergence)
(French) Mouvement descendant d'eaux océaniques supérficielles dans l'écosystème d'haute mer (= les zones côtières de plongée des eaux). (See also: coastal convergence)
(Portuguese) Movimento descendente das águas superficiais em mar aberto. (See also: coastal convergence)

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