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Definition of Term

(English) Annual marks (rings) found in bones, scales, and otoliths of many temperate fishes. Note that such marks in the tropics often refer to seasons, spawning, or other events that influence somatic growth. (See also: age validation, otolith)
(French) Marques annuelles (anneaux) qui se trouvent dans l’os, les écailles, et les otolithes de beaucoup de poissons des eaux tempérés. Chez les poissons tropicaux, ces marques se rapportent souvent aux saisons, aux périodes de ponte, ou aux autres événements qui influencent la croissance somatique. (See also: age validation, otolith)
(Portuguese) Marcas anuais (anéis) que se encontram nos ossos, nas escamas e nos otólitos dos peixes de águas temperadas. Estas marcas reportam muitas vezes os períodos de postura, a sazonalidade e a taxa de crescimento somático dos peixes tropicais. (See also: age validation, otolith)

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