System Glossary
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Definition of Term

Data Definition Language
(English) A programming language used to describe the structure and content of data files and the relationship between them (often referred to as schemas). A data description language is included as one component of many database management systems. (See also: IT, data, database)
langage de définition de données
(French) Une langue de la programmation qui décrite la structure et contenu des dossiers de données et le rapport entre eux (souvent désigné sous le nom de schémas). Une langue de la description de données est incluse comme un composant de beaucoup de systèmes de la gestion de la base de données. (See also: IT, data, database)
(Portuguese) Linguagem de programação usada para descrever a estrutura e o conteúdo de ficheiros de dados e as relações entre eles. (See also: IT, data, database)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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