Scomberomorus commerson was reported from 71 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 71 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 0 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 0 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea and South Africa to Southeast Asia, north to China and Japan and south to southeast Australia, and to Fiji (Ref. 6390). Immigrant to the eastern Mediterranean Sea by way of the Suez Canal. Southeast Atlantic: St. Helena.
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Table 1: Present in 71 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Asia Andaman Is. ANI native 45255
Oceania Australia AUS native 6390
Asia Bahrain BHR native 168
Asia Bangladesh BGD native 168
Asia Brunei Darsm BRN native 168
Asia Cambodia KHM native 168
Asia Chagos Is. CHG native 27307
Asia China CHN native 168
Africa Comoros COM native 168
Asia Cyprus CYP introduced 95695
Africa Djibouti DJI native 168
Africa Egypt EGY native 168
Africa Eritrea ERI native 168
Oceania Fiji FJI native 12596
Europe Greece GRC introduced 113897
Oceania Guam GUM native 168
Asia Hong Kong HKG native 31075
Asia India IND native 45255
Asia Indonesia IDN native 48637
Asia Iran IRN native 168
Asia Iraq IRQ native 168
Asia Israel ISR introduced 5385
Asia Japan JPN native 559
Asia Jordan JOR native 58021
Africa Kenya KEN native 168
Oceania Kiribati KIR native 168
Asia Korea (South) KOR native 77001
Asia Kuwait KWT native 115964
Asia Lebanon LBN introduced 5385
Africa Libya LBY introduced 58916
Oceania Lord Howe I. LHI native 37816
Asia Macau MAC native 168
Africa Madagascar MDG native 168
Asia Malaysia MYS native 168
Asia Maldives MDV native 11303
Africa Mauritius MUS native 58078
Africa Mozambique MOZ native 57683
Asia Myanmar MMR native 168
Oceania New Caledonia NCL native 168
Oceania North. Marianas MNP native 168
Asia Oman OMN native 11441
Asia Pakistan PAK native 168
Oceania Palau PLW native 37816
Oceania Papua New Guinea PNG native 6771
Asia Philippines PHL native 168
Asia Qatar QAT native 168
Africa Reunion I. REU native 168
Asia Ryukyu Is. RYU native 168
Asia Saudi Arabia SAU native 168
Africa Seychelles SYC native 168
Asia Singapore SGP native 168
Oceania Solomon Is. SLB native 168
Africa Somalia SOM native 168
Africa South Africa ZAF native 5313
Asia Sri Lanka LKA native 168
Africa St Helena SHN native 168
Africa Sudan SDN native 168
Asia Syria SYR native 87676
Asia Taiwan/Ch Taipei TWN native 168
Africa Tanzania TZA native 168
Asia Thailand THA native 37773
Asia Timor-Leste TLS native 118793
Oceania Tokelau TKL native 168
Oceania Tonga TON native 168
Asia Turkey TUR introduced 57855
Oceania Tuvalu TUV native 12596
Asia United Arab Em. ARE native 168
Oceania Vanuatu VUT native 168
Asia Viet Nam VNM native 46893
Oceania Wallis Futuna WLF native 84356
Asia Yemen YEM native 168

Table 4: Reported from 71 countries/islands.
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Asia Andaman Is. ANI native 45255
Oceania Australia AUS native 6390
Asia Bahrain BHR native 168
Asia Bangladesh BGD native 168
Asia Brunei Darsm BRN native 168
Asia Cambodia KHM native 168
Asia Chagos Is. CHG native 27307
Asia China CHN native 168
Africa Comoros COM native 168
Asia Cyprus CYP introduced 95695
Africa Djibouti DJI native 168
Africa Egypt EGY native 168
Africa Eritrea ERI native 168
Oceania Fiji FJI native 12596
Europe Greece GRC introduced 113897
Oceania Guam GUM native 168
Asia Hong Kong HKG native 31075
Asia India IND native 45255
Asia Indonesia IDN native 48637
Asia Iran IRN native 168
Asia Iraq IRQ native 168
Asia Israel ISR introduced 5385
Asia Japan JPN native 559
Asia Jordan JOR native 58021
Africa Kenya KEN native 168
Oceania Kiribati KIR native 168
Asia Korea (South) KOR native 77001
Asia Kuwait KWT native 115964
Asia Lebanon LBN introduced 5385
Africa Libya LBY introduced 58916
Oceania Lord Howe I. LHI native 37816
Asia Macau MAC native 168
Africa Madagascar MDG native 168
Asia Malaysia MYS native 168
Asia Maldives MDV native 11303
Africa Mauritius MUS native 58078
Africa Mozambique MOZ native 57683
Asia Myanmar MMR native 168
Oceania New Caledonia NCL native 168
Oceania North. Marianas MNP native 168
Asia Oman OMN native 11441
Asia Pakistan PAK native 168
Oceania Palau PLW native 37816
Oceania Papua New Guinea PNG native 6771
Asia Philippines PHL native 168
Asia Qatar QAT native 168
Africa Reunion I. REU native 168
Asia Ryukyu Is. RYU native 168
Asia Saudi Arabia SAU native 168
Africa Seychelles SYC native 168
Asia Singapore SGP native 168
Oceania Solomon Is. SLB native 168
Africa Somalia SOM native 168
Africa South Africa ZAF native 5313
Asia Sri Lanka LKA native 168
Africa St Helena SHN native 168
Africa Sudan SDN native 168
Asia Syria SYR native 87676
Asia Taiwan/Ch Taipei TWN native 168
Africa Tanzania TZA native 168
Asia Thailand THA native 37773
Asia Timor-Leste TLS native 118793
Oceania Tokelau TKL native 168
Oceania Tonga TON native 168
Asia Turkey TUR introduced 57855
Oceania Tuvalu TUV native 12596
Asia United Arab Em. ARE native 168
Oceania Vanuatu VUT native 168
Asia Viet Nam VNM native 46893
Oceania Wallis Futuna WLF native 84356
Asia Yemen YEM native 168
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The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

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