Salvelinus namaycush was reported from 21 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 14 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 0 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 7 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: North America: Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific basins from northern Canada and Alaska south to New England in USA, Great Lakes, and northern Montana, USA. Introduced widely to many areas outside its native range.

Splakes (hybrid between Salvelinus namaycush and Salvelinus fontinalis) have also been successfully introduced to many areas of North America. The three observed phenotypes existing in Lake Superior (lean, siscowet and humper or paperbelly) are under some genetic control and not merely expressions of environmental adaptation (Ref. 40529).

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Table 1: Present in 14 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent 国家 Occurrence 主要参考文献
North America Alaska ALK native 27547
South America Argentina ARG introduced 1739
Europe Austria AUT introduced 87703
North America Canada CAN native 1998
Europe Finland FIN introduced 6114
Europe Italy ITA introduced 45688
Asia Japan JPN introduced 1739
Subantarctica Kerguelen Is. KGN introduced 74657
Oceania New Zealand NZL introduced 6452
Europe Norway NOR introduced 13686
South America Peru PER introduced 1739
Europe Sweden SWE introduced 1739
Europe Switzerland CHE introduced 13686
North America USA USA native 86798

Table 3: Absent from 7 country/island (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error)
Continent 国家 Occurrence 主要参考文献
South America Bolivia BOL not established 1739
Europe Czechia CZE not established 1739
Europe Denmark DNK not established 1739
Europe France FRA not established 40476
Europe Germany DEU not established 1739
Europe Slovakia SVK not established 1739
Europe UK GBR not established 1739

Table 4: Reported from 21 countries/islands.
Continent 国家 Occurrence 主要参考文献
North America Alaska ALK native 27547
South America Argentina ARG introduced 1739
Europe Austria AUT introduced 87703
South America Bolivia BOL not established 1739
North America Canada CAN native 1998
Europe Czechia CZE not established 1739
Europe Denmark DNK not established 1739
Europe Finland FIN introduced 6114
Europe France FRA not established 40476
Europe Germany DEU not established 1739
Europe Italy ITA introduced 45688
Asia Japan JPN introduced 1739
Subantarctica Kerguelen Is. KGN introduced 74657
Oceania New Zealand NZL introduced 6452
Europe Norway NOR introduced 13686
South America Peru PER introduced 1739
Europe Slovakia SVK not established 1739
Europe Sweden SWE introduced 1739
Europe Switzerland CHE introduced 13686
Europe UK GBR not established 1739
North America USA USA native 86798

The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 04/02/08 ,  最后修订者: sortiz, 06.27.17