Coryphaenoides armatus was reported from 24 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 24 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 0 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 0 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Worldwide: marginal to the Southern Ocean (Ref. 5171).
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Table 1: Present in 24 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent 国家 Occurrence 主要参考文献
North America Alaska ALK native 1371
North America Bahamas BHS native 40643
South America Brazil BRA native 1371
North America Canada CAN native 6885
South America Chile CHL native 1371
Subantarctica Crozet Is. CRZ native 45488
North America Cuba CUB native 54206
Europe France FRA native 116450
South America Galapagos Is. GOS native 9315
North America Greenland GRL native 1371
North America Guatemala GTM native 9315
Europe Iceland ISL native 40643
Europe Ireland IRL native 40643
Subantarctica Kerguelen Is. KGN native 45488
North America Mexico MEX native 1371
Africa Morocco MAR native 40643
Oceania New Zealand NZL native 1371
South America Peru PER native 1371
Subantarctica Prince Edward Is PEI native 1371
Subantarctica S. Georg. Sandw. SGS native 1371
Africa South Africa ZAF native 11953
Antarctica South Orkney Is. SOI native 1371
Europe UK GBR native 12140
North America USA USA native 40643

Table 4: Reported from 24 countries/islands.
Continent 国家 Occurrence 主要参考文献
North America Alaska ALK native 1371
North America Bahamas BHS native 40643
South America Brazil BRA native 1371
North America Canada CAN native 6885
South America Chile CHL native 1371
Subantarctica Crozet Is. CRZ native 45488
North America Cuba CUB native 54206
Europe France FRA native 116450
South America Galapagos Is. GOS native 9315
North America Greenland GRL native 1371
North America Guatemala GTM native 9315
Europe Iceland ISL native 40643
Europe Ireland IRL native 40643
Subantarctica Kerguelen Is. KGN native 45488
North America Mexico MEX native 1371
Africa Morocco MAR native 40643
Oceania New Zealand NZL native 1371
South America Peru PER native 1371
Subantarctica Prince Edward Is PEI native 1371
Subantarctica S. Georg. Sandw. SGS native 1371
Africa South Africa ZAF native 11953
Antarctica South Orkney Is. SOI native 1371
Europe UK GBR native 12140
North America USA USA native 40643

The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 04/02/08 ,  最后修订者: sortiz, 06.27.17