Collaborators for Species Phalacronotus bleekeri
n = 24
Code No. Name Country Institute
87 Atanacio, Rachel C. Philippines Quantitative Aquatics, Inc.
303 Bailly, Nicolas Greece Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology & Aquaculture (IMBBC)
120 Baird, Ian G. USA University of Wisconsin-Madison - Department of Geography
7 Cada, Robbie N. Philippines
14 Capuli, Estelita Emily Philippines Quantitative Aquatics, Inc.
97 Casal, Christine Marie V. Philippines
395 Casten, Lemuel R. Philippines
549 Chuenpagdee, Ratana USA Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary
1 Froese, Rainer Germany Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research
113 Garilao, Cristina V. Philippines FishBase Project
513 Jensen, Johnny Denmark
161 Kottelat, Maurice Switzerland
2 Luna, Susan M. Philippines Quantitative Aquatics, Inc.
1802 Machacek, Heinz Austria Fishing World e. U.
360 Oliver, Pere Spain Instituto EspaƱol de Oceanografia - Centro Oceanografico de las Islas Baleares
65 Reyes, Rodolfo B. Philippines Quantitative Aquatics, Inc.
34 Sa-a, Pascualita Italy
393 Sampang-Reyes, Arlene G. Philippines
41 Shao, Kwang-Tsao Taiwan Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica (BRCAS)
574 Sta. Iglesia, Drina Philippines
10 Torres, Armi G. Philippines Quantitative Aquatics, Inc.
1753 Vidthayanon, Chavalit Thailand WWF Thailand
269 Warren, Terry Thailand
1560 Yue, Hao China Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Information Center
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 27/03/08 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 12/09/12