Collaborator Profile
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Name Harvey-Clark, Chris Harvey-Clark, Chris
Code No. 1704
Web page
Fax 604-822-3505
Institute Animal Care Center, University of British Columbia
Address South campus Road, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1W5
Country Canada
Comments Director of Animal Care and Associate Member Department of Zoology. Involved in life sciences in different modes: clinical management of a wide variety of terrestrial and aquatic species as a veterinary clinician and researcher; promotion of science and natural history in the community as a writer, documentary film creator and cinematographer; and management in both government and university environments during a time of major change in the use of animals, particularly aquatic species, in research. Main focus has been on clinical work with research ammals/fish and the oversight of large research animal programs in three of Canada’s major universities, 2007 marks the 22nd year since the publication of my first paper in a peer-reviewed journal. With co-investigators have published 34 papers with main applied focus on the area of improving the welfare of research animals and the biology and ecology of cold water and elasmobranch fish.
Since 2007
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99, php script by rolavides, 2/4/2008 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17