Collaborator Profile
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Name Wilson, Ross Wilson, Ross
Code No. 1279
Web page Collaborator's Webpage
Fax 01-250-5372544
Institute Heiltsuk Nation
Address Box 880 Waglisla, B.C., V0T 1Z0
Country Canada
Comments Contributed list of Heiltsuk common names. He is currently the Chief Councilor for the Heiltsuk Nation located at the central coast of British Columbia, Canada with special responsibility for the conservation and management of marine ecosystems. An active member of the Coastal First Nations, an alliance working towards restoring land, water and resource management approaches that are ecologically and economically sustainable. He owns a Dive charter company, Dasla Adventures. Dasla in Heiltsuk means 'to dive deep'.
Since 2004
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99, php script by rolavides, 2/4/2008 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17