Food I | Food II | Food III | Food name | Paese | Predator Stage |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Cephalopoda | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Alloteuthis subulata | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Loligo | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Loligo subulata | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Sepia australis | Namibia | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | unidentified squids | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Agonus cataphractus | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ammodytes | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ammodytes tobianus | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ammodytidae | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | unidentified Ammodytidae | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Callionymus lyra | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Paracallionymus costatus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Capros aper | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachurus picturatus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Macroramphosus scolopax | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Clupea harengus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Clupeidae | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Etrumeus whiteheadi | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sardina pilchardus | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sardinops sagax | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sprattus sprattus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sprattus sprattus | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Taurulus bubalis | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis encrasicolus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Gadidae | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | gadoids | Ireland | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Merlangius merlangus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Merlangius merlangus | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trisopterus luscus | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trisopterus minutus | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thyrsites atun | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sufflogobius bibarbatus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | unidentified gobies | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ciliata mustela | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Merluccius merluccius | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Gadella maraldi | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Mullus surmuletus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | unidentified myctophids | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pholis gunnellus | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pleuronectes platessa | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Chromis limbata | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Scomber japonicus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Helicolenus dactylopterus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Solea solea | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Solea vulgaris | Netherlands | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pagellus bogaraveo | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pagellus spp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Echiichthys vipera | UK | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Lepidopus caudatus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | n.a./other finfish | Raja clavata | Ireland | adults |
others | others | n.a./others | Gnathostomata | UK | juv./adults |
others | others | n.a./others | unspecified | UK | juv./adults |
plants | other plants | benthic algae/weeds | unidentified algae | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | n.a./other phytoplankton | Phaeophycophyta | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Gammaridea | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Hyperiidea | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Melitidae | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | unidentified amphipods | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Vibilia sp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | unidentified brachyurans | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Calappa granulata | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Cancer anthonyi | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Cancer pagurus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Corystes cassivelanus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Carcinus maenas | UK Engld Wal | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | unidentified diogenids | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Dromiacea | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Nibilia antilocapra | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Paromola cuvieri | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Paromola cuvieri | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | unidentified majids | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Pagurus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Pagurus bernhardus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | unidentified pagurids | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Parthenope sp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | unidentified porcellanids | UK | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Carcinus maenas | UK Engld Wal | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Liocarcinus corrugatus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Liocarcinus marmoreus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Liocarcinus spp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Macropipus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Macropipus puber | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Macropipus tuberculatus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Portunidae | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Portunus sp. | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Processidae | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | isopods | Flabellifera | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | isopods | unidentified isopods | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | lobsters | Galathea sp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | lobsters | unidentified galatheids | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | lobsters | Nephrops norvegicus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | lobsters | Scyllarus arctus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | lobsters | Scyllarus arctus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | mysids | Mysidae | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Crustacea | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Cumacea | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Galathea | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Caridea | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | unidentified Caridea | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Crangon | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Crangon allmanni | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Crangon crangon | (not available) | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Crangon vulgaris | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Crangonidae | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Pontophilus | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Pontophilus gorei | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Sabinea septemcarinata | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Hippolyte | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Hippolytidae | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | unidentified Natantia | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Pandalidae | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Pandalus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Pandalus montagui | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Pandalus propinquus | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | unidentified pandalids | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | unidentified penaieds | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Processa | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Processa hemphilli | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Processa sp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Solenocera membranacea | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Solenocera sp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | stomatopods | unidentified stomatopods | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | bivalves | Chlamys sp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | bivalves | Ensis | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | bivalves | Ensis sp. | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | gastropods | Buccinum undatum | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | gastropods | Buccinum undatum | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | gastropods | unidentified pectinids | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | n.a./other mollusks | Mollusca | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | Scaeurgus unicirrhus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | Scaeurgus unicirrhus | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | unidentified octopodids | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | unidentified octopus | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | worms | n.a./other annelids | unidentified sabellids | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | worms | polychaetes | unidentified nereids | UK | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | worms | polychaetes | Nereididae | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | worms | polychaetes | Nereis | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | worms | polychaetes | Polychaeta | UK | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | euphausiids | Euphausia | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | euphausiids | unidentified euphausiids | UK | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | mysids | Lophogaster sp. | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | mysids | Mysida | Netherlands | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | mysids | unidentified mysids | Azores Is. | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | plank. copepods | Calanus tonsus | UK | juv./adults |
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