Food items reported for Melanogrammus aeglefinus
n = 90
Food I Food II Food III Food name Country Predator Stage
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Gonatus fabricii (not available) juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Rossia Norway juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Rossia moelleri Norway juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Sepietta oweniana (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Ammodytes marinus Norway juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Buenia jeffreysii Norway juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Mallotus villosus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish unidentified sand eel Namibia juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sebastes spp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds unidentified Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. amphipods Epimeria cornigera Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. amphipods Themisto abyssorum Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Crangon allmanni Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Spirontocaris pusiola Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Hyas coarctatus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Pagurus pubescens Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Pagurus bernhardus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Pagurus pubescens Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Pandalina Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Carcinus maenas Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Macropipus pusillus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Polybius holsatus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Polybius holsatus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. isopods Arcturella dilatata Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. isopods Arcturella dilatata Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. isopods Astacilla longicornis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. isopods Astacilla longicornis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. isopods Cirolana borealis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. lobsters Galathea intermedia Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. lobsters Galathea strigosa Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. lobsters Munida sarsi Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans Galathea intermedia Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns Pandalus borealis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns Pandalus montagui Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos cnidarians n.a./other polyps Physophora hydrostatica Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos cnidarians n.a./other polyps Physophora hydrostatica Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms n.a./other echinoderms unspecified echinoderms (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms n.a./other echinoderms Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Astropecten irregularis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Astropecten irregularis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Ophiopholis aculeata Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Ophiothrix fragilis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Ophiura texturata Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Ophiura affinis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Ophiura sarsi Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Ophiura texturata Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars unspecified ophiuroids (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea stars/brittle stars Solaster Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea urchins Echinus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea urchins Echinocyamus pusillus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Arctica islandica Germany juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Cardium Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Parvicardium minimum Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Parvicardium minimum Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Lima Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Mya Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Chlamys Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Ensis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Tellina Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks chitons Lepidopleurus asellus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Buccinum undatum Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Cylichna Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods unspecified gastropods (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Littorina Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Euspira pulchella Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks octopi Bathypolypus arcticus Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks octopi Benthoctopus piscatorum Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks octopi Eledone cirrhosa (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes Nereis Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes Aricidea catherinae Canada juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes Pectinaria Norway juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes unspecified polychaetes (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes polychaetes USA juv./adults
zooplankton fish (early stages) fish eggs/larvae Clupea harengus harengus Norway juv./adults
zooplankton fish (early stages) fish eggs/larvae unidentified fish larvae UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton jellyfish/hydroids jellyfish/hydroids unspecified jellyfish Norway juv./adults
zooplankton other plank. invertebrates n.a./other plank. invertebrates Beroe sp. (not available) juv./adults
zooplankton other plank. invertebrates n.a./other plank. invertebrates unspecified ctenophores (not available) juv./adults
zooplankton plank. crust. cladocerans Evadne sp. UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton plank. crust. euphausiids unspecified euphausiids (not available) juv./adults
zooplankton plank. crust. euphausiids Thysanoessa Norway juv./adults
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods Acartia clausii UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods calanoid nauplii UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods Calanus eggs UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods Calanus eggs (not available) juv./adults
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods Calanus finmarchicus UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods Pseudocalanus elongatus UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods Pseudocalanus elongatus UK Scotland Larvae
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods Oithona sp. UK Scotland Larvae
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 2/7/2008 ,  last modified by rolavides, 3:13 PM 14/05/08