Voedselitems gerapporteerd voor Engraulis anchoita
n = 8
Voedsel I Voedsel II Voedsel III Naam voedsel Land Levensfase predator
plants phytoplankton n.a./other phytoplankton unidentified Brazil Larven
plants phytoplankton n.a./other phytoplankton unidentified (niet beschikbaar) rekruten/juvenielen
zooplankton other plank. invertebrates n.a./other plank. invertebrates invertebrates eggs Brazil Larven
zooplankton other plank. invertebrates n.a./other plank. invertebrates unidentified tintinnids Brazil Larven
zooplankton plank. crust. n.a./other plank. crustaceans unidentified crustaceans Brazil Larven
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods unidentified (niet beschikbaar) rekruten/juvenielen
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods cyclopoids Brazil Larven
zooplankton plank. crust. plank. copepods nauplii of copepods Brazil Larven

Publish in our journal partners Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria (Impact factor 2023: 1.17), Journal of Applied Ichthyology (Impact factor 2022: 1.222) and Journal of Fish Biology (2.0, 2022 impact factor) the results of your primary research on fish growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in FishBase.

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 2/7/2008 ,  laatst aangepast door rolavides, 3:13 PM 14/05/08
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