Food I | Food II | Food III | Food name | Country | Predator Stage |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Argonauta sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Japetella diaphana | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | unidentified cephalopods | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Chiroteuthis spp. | Hawaii | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Liocranchia reinhardti | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Abraliopsis sp. | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Histioteuthis sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Doryteuthis opalescens | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Loligo opalescens | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Loligo sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Octopoteuthis sp. | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Taningia danae | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Taningia danae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Ocythoe tuberculata | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Ocythoe tuberculata | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Ornithoteuthis volatilis | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Onychoteuthis banksii | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Onykia carriboea | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Moroteuthis sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Onykia sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Heteroteuthis sp. | (not available) | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | unidentified | Russia | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Thysanoteuthis rhombus | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Vitreledonella richardi | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Alepisaurus ferox | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Anoplogaster cornuta | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Epigonus fragilis | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Nansenia sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pterycombus petersii | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Bregmaceros sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Antigonia rubescens | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Chaetodon sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Chiasmodon niger | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Chiasmodon sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Citharoides macrolepis | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sardinops sagax | Russia | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Aliosoma sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Hemilepidotus spp. | Russia | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Diretmoides sp. | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Erythrocles schlegelii | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Encrasicholina punctifer | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Fistularia corneta | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Diplospinus multistriatus | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Gempylus serpens | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Nealotus tripes | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Paradiplospinus gracilis | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Promethichthys prometheus | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Rexea prometheoides | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Rhynchactis leptonema | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Bonapartia pedaliota | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Vinciguerria nimbaria | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Linophryne sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Odontomacrurus sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Melanocetus johnsoni | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Melanocetus sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Lyconus sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Eutaeniophorus festivus | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Parataeniophorus gulosus | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Paramonocanthus barnardi | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Physiculus sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Muraenesox sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Diaphus sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Cubiceps panciradiatus | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Cubiceps sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Psenes cyanophrys | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Omosudis lowei | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Lactoria diaphana | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ostracoberyx sp. | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Paralepis elongata | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sudis hyalina | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Synagrops sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Vinciguerria sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Priacanthus sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Oncorhynchus gorbuscha | Russia | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Cololabis saira | Russia | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Scomberomorus sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thunnus albacares | Mauritius | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ectreposebastes imus | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Setarches guentheri | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sternoptyx diaphana | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sternoptyx obscura | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sternoptyx pseudobscura | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Tylerius spinossimus | (not available) | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachipterus arawatae | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachipterus sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Triacanthodes sp. | (not available) | adults |
plants | other plants | benthic algae/weeds | Sargassum sp. | (not available) | adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | unidentified Hyperiidea | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Brachyscelus crusculum | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Platyscelus armatus | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Platyscelus ovoides | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | amphipods | Eupronoe armata | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Charybdis sp. | (not available) | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Acanthephyra sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Janicella spinicauda | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Oplophorus gracilirostris | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Oplophorus sp. | (not available) | adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Oxycephalus porcelus | Hawaii | adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Gennadas sp. | (not available) | adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Janicella spinicauda | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | Oplophorus gracilirostris | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | shrimps/prawns | unidentified penaeids | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | stomatopods | Natosquilla investigatoris | (not available) | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | gastropods | Carinaria lamarcki | Hawaii | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | Bolitaena sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | Japetella sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | Octopus sp. | (not available) | adults |
zoobenthos | other benth. invertebrates | n.a./other benth. invertebrates | Salpa sp. | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | other benth. invertebrates | n.a./other benth. invertebrates | unidentified tunicates | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | sponges/tunicates | ascidians | Fritillaria sp. | Hawaii | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | worms | polychaetes | unidentified polychaetes | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zooplankton | fish (early stages) | fish eggs/larvae | Himantolophus sp. | (not available) | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | n.a./other plank. crustaceans | Megalopa | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | n.a./other plank. crustaceans | stomatopods larvae | (not available) | recruits/juv. |
Publish in our journal partners Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria (Impact factor 2023: 1.17), Journal of Applied Ichthyology (Impact factor 2022: 1.222) and Journal of Fish Biology (2.0, 2022 impact factor) the results of your primary research on fish growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in FishBase.