Ecosystem Reference
Ecosystem Uruguay
Type River (basin)
Salinity freshwater
Other Names
Southeast South America 27° S 34° S - 59° W 51° W
Location Map
Size Ref
River Length 1609 km Area Drainage Area
Average Depth Max Depth Ref
100 Meters Depth
Description The Rio Uruguay forms the Plate watershed along with the Paraná and Paraguay rivers. It is about 2262 km long and runs from the Serra Geral Mountains as the Rio Pelotas, and down from the confluence with the Canoas as the Rio Uruguay. Inland, it runs along the border of Santa Catarina and the Rio Granse do Sul states toward the mouth of the Rio Pepirí. From the confluence with Guazu, it veers southwards as the border of Argentina with Brazil and Uruguay. It joins with the Rio Paraná at the mouth where it forms the Río de la Plata estuary and flows into the Atlantic Ocean (Ref. 74689). The Rio Uruguay is divided into the Lower, Middle and Upper sections by a series of pools and rapids. The border between Middle and Lower Uruguay is formed by the Salto Grande Falls while the border between Middle and Upper Uruguay is at the rapids formed by the Yucumã (or Moconá) Falls, below the mouth of the Rio Pepirí Guazú (Zaniboni Filho & Schulz, 2003, cited in Ref. 74689).
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248 40 115 34 30553
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cfm script by eagbayani, 23.12.02 ,  php script by cgarilao, 15/10/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17