Ecosystem Reference
النظم البيئية Ural
نوع River (basin)
ملوحة freshwater
Other Names
Russian Fed and Kazakhstan 54° N 46° N - 50° W 59° E
Location Map
Size Ref
River Length 2534 km منطقة Drainage Area 237000
Average Depth Max Depth Ref
درجة الحرارة
100 Meters Depth
الوصف The Ural River, which forms part of the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia, rises in the South-eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains (Russian Federation). 72% of its total runoff is formed in the Russian part of the basin. There are remarkable water level and water discharge fluctuations throughout the year; the share of spring floods amounts to some 65-70%. The total length of the river is 2,428 km, from which 1,082 km are in Kazakhstan. In the basin, there are some 240 lakes and one manmade multipurpose reservoir, the Iriklin reservoir, with a total storage capacity of 3,260 km3 and a surface of 260 km2 (Ref. 84413).
Comments on faunal list
Ecosystem Checklist Link
FishBase Literature
Species Families Species Families Reference
53 18 48 13 30553
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العودة الي البحث
cfm script by eagbayani, 23.12.02 ,  php script by cgarilao, 15/10/08 ,  اخر تعديل بواسطة sortiz, 06.27.17