Ecosystem Reference
Ecossistema Norwegian Sea
Tipo Sea/Bay/Gulf
Salinidade saltwater
Other Names
LME SAU No 21. North Atlantic, between Iceland and Norway. LME2002, Modified LME 2006, SAU 2008. 76° N 62° N - 11° W 17° E
Location Map Norwegian_Sea.png
Size Ref
River Length Área 1055881 km2 Drainage Area
Average Depth Max Depth Ref
Surface 9.0 °C Map103.gif
100 Meters Depth 4.5 °C Map102.gif
Descrição The Norwegian Sea Large Marine Ecosystem is situated off the west coast of Norway. The Iceland-Faroe Ridge separates the relatively warm waters of the Northeast North Atlantic from the cold Arctic deep water of the Norwegian Sea LME. An Eastern boundary current flows along the edge of the Norwegian Shelf into the Arctic region. The cold and low salinity East Icelandic Current flows southeast towards the Norwegian Basin ( Range of marine fishes of Norway needs to be checked for assignment.
Comments on faunal list Area from SAU (November 2015).
Ecosystem Checklist Link
FishBase Literature
Species Families Species Families Reference
258 100
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cfm script by eagbayani, 23.12.02 ,  php script by cgarilao, 15/10/08 ,  modificado pela última vez por sortiz, 06.27.17