Ecosystems where Parascolopsis inermis occurs
n = 14
Ecosistema Tipo Estado Referencia
Andaman Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
Bay of Bengal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
East China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 11230
Gulf of Thailand Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
Indonesian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
Peng-hu Island Sea/Bay/Gulf native 55073
Ragay Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 38601
Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf misidentification 84159
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 36648
Southern China Sea/Bay/Gulf native 31075
Sulu-Celebes Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
Yellow Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3810
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cfm script by eagbayani, 20.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 07/05/08 ,  Última modificación por elaxamana, 11:05 AM 06/03/09