Ecosystems where Moolgarda crenilabis occurs
n = 31
Ecosystem Type Status Ref.
Agulhas Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5213
Amur River (basin) questionable 58298
Arabian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1602
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1602
Coral Sea and GBR Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2334
Dauin-Apo I. Sea/Bay/Gulf native 127519
Davao Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 126188
Don River (basin) questionable 58293
Great Barrier Reef Sea/Bay/Gulf native 48497
Gulf of Aden Sea/Bay/Gulf native 117436
Gulf of Aqaba Sea/Bay/Gulf native 58021
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1602
Insular Pacific-Hawaiian Sea/Bay/Gulf native 583
Kuban River River (basin) questionable 58296
Kuroshio Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 559
Lutao Island Sea/Bay/Gulf native 11104
Milne Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 41464
North Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 30874
Northeast Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2334
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 592
Peng-hu Island Sea/Bay/Gulf native 55073
Persian Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1602
Polynesian Waters Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6784
Ragay Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 47919
Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 84159
Sakhalin Island River (basin) questionable 58299
Sogod Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 46392
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 36648
Southern China Sea/Bay/Gulf native 94637
Tahiti I. Sea/Bay/Gulf native
Yellow Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4868
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