Ecosystems where Albula vulpes occurs
n = 37
Ecossistema Tipo Status Ref.
Agulhas Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5213
Andaman Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5736
Arabian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2872
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 26938
Bay of Bengal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5736
Bay of Fundy Sea/Bay/Gulf native 27549
Benguela Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4447
Bermuda Sea/Bay/Gulf native 7251
Brooke's Point Sea/Bay/Gulf native 114805
California Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 7251
Cape Verde Sea/Bay/Gulf native 27000
Caribbean Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3237
Celestún Biosphere Reserve Sea/Bay/Gulf native 74908
Chesapeake Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 27549
Discovery Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 35141
East Brazil Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5217
East China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 47843
Gulf of California Sea/Bay/Gulf native 37955
Gulf of Mexico Sea/Bay/Gulf native 26340
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4447
Kuroshio Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 559
Laguna del Mar Muerto Lagoon native 74889
North Brazil Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5217
Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 7251
Pacific Central-American Coastal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 9268
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4447
Peru-Galapagos Waters Sea/Bay/Gulf native 26352
Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf error 84159
Scotian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 7251
South Brazil Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5217
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2682
Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 37032
Southern China Sea/Bay/Gulf native 94637
Southern Palawan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 114805
Sulu-Celebes Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2858
Tung-hsiao Sea/Bay/Gulf native 43510
Yellow Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4868
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cfm script by eagbayani, 20.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 07/05/08 ,  modificado pela última vez por elaxamana, 11:05 AM 06/03/09