List of Species Treated in Reference And Used in FishBase
n = 6
ชนิด Name Used in Reference
Albula oligolepis Hidaka, Iwatsuki & Randall, 2008 Albula oligolepis (p. 30)
Argyrops flavops Iwatsuki & Heemstra, 2018 Argyrops spinifer (p. 34)
Gerres infasciatus Iwatsuki & Kimura, 1998 Gerres infasciatus (p. 32)
Gerres macracanthus Bleeker, 1854 Gerres macracanthus (p. 32)
Johnius majan Iwatsuki, Jawad & Al-Mamry, 2012 Johnius majan (p. 35;fig.8)
Ostichthys acanthorhinus Randall, Shimizu & Yamakawa, 1982 Ostichthys acanthorhinus (p. 30)
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