Details for Del Moral-Flores, L., J.M. Gracian-Negrete and A.F. Guzmán-Camacho, 2016
Citation Del Moral-Flores, L., J.M. Gracian-Negrete and A.F. Guzmán-Camacho, 2016. Peces del Archipiélago de las islas Revillagigedo: una actualizacion sistematáca y biogeografica [Fishes of Archioelago of Revillagigedo slands: A systematic and biogeographic update]. BIOCYT Biología, Ciencia y Tecnología, 9(34):596-619.
Paper URL
Ref. No. 123687
Language Spanish
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cfm script by eagbayani, 12/10/04 ,  php script by rolavides, 09/05/08 ,  last modified by vagbay 06/22/22