Details for Jordan, D.S. and R.E. Richardson, 1910
Citation Jordan, D.S. and R.E. Richardson, 1910. The Philippine Bureau of science monographic publications on fishes: check-list of the species of fishes known from the Philippine archipelago. Monogr. Philip. Bur. Sci.1:1-78.
Paper URL
Ref. No. 68641
Language English
Remarks Reprinted 1965, Smithsonian Institution by T.F.H. Pub., New Jersey: USA. In series. 1. A check-list of Philippine Fishes/ D.S. Jordan and R.E. Richardson, c 1909. 2. Gobies of the Philippines and the China Sea/ A.W. Herre, c1927. 3. Pomacentridae of the Philippine Islands/H.R. montalban, 1927.
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