This species usually found in subtidal rocky-reef habitat dominated by small filamentous and foliose algae Zonaria, Corallina, Amphiroa, and Laurencia (often with some Sargassum spp.), a few scattered larger seaweeds, including Ecklonia radiata and Sargassum spp., and large patches of filamentous or foliose algae. Vertical or sloping walls on the deep edge of nearby reefs are inhabited by ascidians, corals, and sponges, the latter including Spongia sp., Tedania anhelans, Ephydatia fluviatilis, Darwinella australiensis, Chondrilla australiensis, Mycale australis, and Holopsamma laminaefavosa. It is most often found closely associated with small sponges, blending in with the gray coloration of Psammocinia sp. or the red or yellow coloration of Darwinella sp., or nestled next to fan-shaped Echinoclathria leporina. The black ‘‘osculum-like’’ spots typically present on gray color morphs of the new species presumably aid in the mimicry of sponges as well (Ref. 97600). |