Common name | Labre capitaine |
Language | French |
Type | FAO |
Official trade name | No |
Rank | 1 - (Legal common name (unique)) |
Country | Global |
Locality | |
Ref. | FAO-FIES, 2023 |
Life stage | juveniles and adults |
Sex | females and males |
Core | |
1st modifier | |
2nd modifier | |
Remarks | 'Labre' from Latin 'labrum', i.e., lips; used for fish with thick lips and double dentition; also called 'vieille' and 'tourd' (p. 1064 in Ref. 11853). Name not listed in ASFIS version 2006 (Ref. 56807). Also Ref. 3726, 83882, 87040, 90062, 93840, 95632, 115257, 115257, 118272, 124692. |