Common name of Poecilia petenensis
Common name Swordtail molly
Language English
Type Vernacular
Official trade name No
Rank 3 - (Other common name)
Country United States (contiguous states)
Ref. Courtenay, W.R. Jr., H.F. Sahlman, W.W. Miley II and D.J. Herrema, 1974
Life stage juveniles and adults
Sex females and males
1st modifier
2nd modifier
Remarks This species has been reported from Florida: it has been suggested that introduced populations may have survived for brief periods and possibly reproduced but did not succeed as no established populations are known (Ref. 125331).
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cfm script by eagbayani, 11.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 25/03/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06/27/17