Common name of Prosomyleus rhomboidalis
Common name Pacu murutinga
Language Portuguese
Dialect Tupi
Type Vernacular
Official trade name No
Rank 3 - (Other common name)
Country Brazil
Ref. Toledo-Piza, M., 2002
Life stage juveniles and adults
Sex females and males
Core behavior
1st modifier behavior
2nd modifier color pattern(s)
Remarks Pacu = from 'pag' + 'u' = the one that eats fast (Bueno, 1998) + murutinga = possibly a combination of 'muru' (rage) and 'tinga' = white (TibiriƧƔ, 1984)
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cfm script by eagbayani, 11.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 25/03/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06/27/17