List of Common Names with yama

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Language Country Species Type
Gulyaman Magindanaon Philippines Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gulyaman Maranao/Samal/Tao Sug Philippines Katsuwonus pelamis vernacular
Mayamaya Bikol Philippines Lutjanus malabaricus Vernacular
Yamas Tagalog Philippines Gerres erythrourus Vernacular
Yayamaw Ivatan Philippines Acanthurus triostegus Vernacular
Korolevskaya pyatnistayamakrel Russian Russia Scomberomorus commerson Vernacular
Bathegeyama Krio Sierra Leone Phago loricatus Vernacular
Bathegeyama Limba, west-central Sierra Leone Phago loricatus Vernacular
Ayamarca Spanish Spain Cetengraulis mysticetus Vernacular
Yama Spanish Spain Chelon ramada Vernacular
Pyamas-kardinalfisk Swedish Sweden Sphaeramia nematoptera Vernacular
Papa nyamarasi Swahili Tanzania Isurus oxyrinchus Vernacular
Yaeyama blenny English Global Ecsenius yaeyamaensis Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12