List of Common Names with yama

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Language Country Species Type
Yamabukibera Japanese Japan Thalassoma lutescens Vernacular
Yamabukihata Japanese Japan Saloptia powelli Vernacular
Yamabukihaze Japanese Japan Amblyeleotris guttata Vernacular
Yamabuki-suzumedai Japanese Japan Amblyglyphidodon aureus Vernacular
Yamadori Japanese Japan Synchiropus ijimai Vernacular
Yamahime Japanese Japan Snyderina yamanokami Vernacular
Yamainu-umihebi Japanese Japan Ophichthus lupus Vernacular
Yamame Japanese Japan Oncorhynchus masou Vernacular
Yamamoto-tachimodoki Japanese Japan Benthodesmus pacificus Vernacular
Yamanokami Japanese Japan Trachidermus fasciatus Vernacular
Yamanoue's seabass English Japan Parascombrops yamanouei Vernacular
Yamashirobera Japanese Japan Pseudocoris yamashiroi Vernacular
Yamato-itohikisagi Japanese Japan Gerres microphthalmus Vernacular
Yamato-iwana Japanese Japan Salvelinus leucomaenis Vernacular
Yamato-kamasu Japanese Japan Sphyraena japonica Vernacular
Yamato-mizun Japanese Japan Amblygaster leiogaster Vernacular
Yamato-shibire-ei Japanese Japan Tetronarce tokionis Vernacular
Yamato-shima-dojo Japanese Japan Cobitis matsubarae Vernacular
Yamato-togemegisu Japanese Japan Aporops bilinearis Vernacular
Nyamami Luo Kenya Oreochromis niloticus Vernacular
Balamet yamani Arabic Libya Scomberomorus commerson Vernacular
Balameta Yamania Arabic Libya Scomberomorus commerson Vernacular
Bleni Yaeyama Malay Malaysia Ecsenius yaeyamaensis Vernacular
Yaeyama blenny English Malaysia Ecsenius yaeyamaensis Vernacular
Hyamahyaik Pije New Caledonia Acanthurus triostegus Vernacular
Yaeyama blenny English Micronesia Ecsenius yaeyamaensis Vernacular
Yaeyama clown blenny English Micronesia Ecsenius yaeyamaensis Vernacular
Yamashiro's wrasse English Micronesia Pseudocoris yamashiroi Vernacular
Ayamarca Spanish Peru Cetengraulis mysticetus Vernacular
Ayamarea Spanish Peru Cetengraulis mysticetus Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12