List of Common Names with whip

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Language Country Species Type
Whipper snapper English Mexico Lutjanus jordani AFS
Caribbean whiptail stingray English USA Styracura schmardae AFS
Coachwhip trevally English USA Carangichthys oblongus AFS
Pacific whiptail stingray English USA Styracura pacifica AFS
Whip eel English USA Bascanichthys scuticaris AFS
Whipfin ponyfish English USA Equulites leuciscus AFS
Whiptail banjo catfish English USA Platystacus cotylephorus AFS
Whiptail catfish English USA Farlowella acus AFS
Whiptail conger English USA Rhynchoconger gracilior AFS
Whiptail ribbonfish English USA Desmodema lorum AFS
Whiptail catfish English Australia Dasyloricaria filamentosa Aquarium
Whip-fin wrasse English Indonesia Cirrhilabrus filamentosus Aquarium
Banded whiptail English Global Coelorinchus fasciatus FAO
Blackedge whipray English Global Himantura marginata FAO
Black-spotted whipray English Global Maculabatis toshi FAO
Bleeker's whipray English Global Pateobatis bleekeri FAO
Campbell whiptail English Global Coelorinchus kaiyomaru FAO
Coachwhip trevally English Global Carangichthys oblongus FAO
Double whiptail English Global Pentapodus emeryii FAO
Doublewhip threadfin bream English Global Nemipterus nematophorus FAO
Dwarf whipray English Global Brevitrygon walga FAO
Freshwater whipray English Global Urogymnus polylepis FAO
Karrer's whiptail English Global Coelorinchus karrerae FAO
Large whip goby English Global Bryaninops amplus FAO
Leopard whipray English Global Himantura undulata FAO
Longrayed whiptail English Global Coryphaenoides subserrulatus FAO
Mahia whiptail English Global Coelorinchus matamua FAO
Mangrove whipray English Global Urogymnus granulatus FAO
Marbled whipray English Global Fluvitrygon oxyrhynchus FAO
Notable whiptail English Global Coelorinchus innotabilis FAO
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